WordPress Themes

The Themes page allows you to customize your web blog, to choose the way you want your website to look.

Important: Our team offers technical support for the pre-installed WordPress themes. Users do not have the possibility to install other WordPress themes.

At the moment our solution offers a variety of pre-installed WordPress themes: Church Responsive, CITY, Florida, Ocean, premium responsive, Rock On Responsive, Rock 2 Rock Responsive, Simple One, and Simple WordPress Theme. Each theme has a different display and can be customized with different widgets.

Note: Some widgets are available and can be enabled only on some specific themes.

In order to manage WordPress themes, click on the Themes link under the Appearance menu:



Once the page opens you can manage the theme options:

WordPress Themes-2

1. Here you can search for a specific theme.

2. Click here to customize the theme.

3. Click here to activate the theme.

4. Click here to preview the theme.