What is CMS? Content Management System is a tool (script) that allows editing content of a website, as well as maintenance from an admin interface.

Web content can be just text, but also dynamic content: graphics, photos, audio-video files or interactive content. It usually allows client to control over HTML based content, files and documents.

There are many powerful CMS available on the market, some are open source and allow development on top (such as Joomla) other serve the client only with functions initially designed.

At Eyepartner we are focused to offer our clients a complete CMS to manage the content that goes on their platform completely- starting with the basic design, that an be fully customized, continuing with the video-content to be published and ending with the option to add as many webpages they need to the site in order to optimize for search engines.


The right CMS tool gives you the power to transform the lifeless marketing dollars into measurable sales results. Use the tools that your solution gives you and push your site to first page on Google and on other search engines. The static pages editor allows you to edit content to be published on strategic pages, together with menu editor and dictionary editor to adjust the verbiage to your business field.

A great website will signal to your viewers that your solution is worth their time. If you are unhappy with your website look- it’s easy, your CMS allows you to change the pages, the layout to bring it live the way you need. Our most successful customers and communities create their own content and presentation layout that tap into active participation and shared experiences.


CMS software from JamOnCam allows for various user groups to have limited privileges over specific content on the website. One ore many content creators (broadcasters) can submit media material, but it is not published until the admin approves it. it is also multilingual as allows content to be displayed in multiple languages.

Being an online processing kind of CMS, JamOnCam easily supports add-ons which provide extended features for end-users. It also allows easy customization and update content without much training in coding.

Take advantage of the software we develop to support your business. Find out more by e-mail at eliza@eyepartner.com or call us at 305.455.8657