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Let's Kick It - Kicking It Courtside

by ComedyWorldNet
5 years and 2 months ago

Let's Kick It - Kicking it Courtside is a new podcast about sneakers, fashion, and celebrities. The sneaker culture and influence is known all around the world. From sneaker collectors, exclusive stores, celebrities, athletes and conventions. New sneakers are announced at least three times a month. The show takes a deep look into the world of the sneaker craze and will review the newly released sneakers.   Hosted by:  Andrew Williams "Coach Drew" and JT "The Sneaker Guy"

Today's episode covers several hot shoes and men's fashion.  

Luka Concic
LebronJames - 17 Currency
Nike Air uptempo
Alonzo Mourning w/Air Tempo
Pippen Jersey w/Air Tempo
Adidas D Rose 1 - re-release
Adidas Dame 6 - Hecklers
Nike University Red Collab

For Men's Fashion Drew and JT reviewed the fashion of:

D'Angelo Russell
Russell Westbrook

For more information and links to buy certain items, go to our IG at @ballcourtworld  or

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